A Life In The Wings: My Sixty Year Love Affair with Rock And Roll, A Memoir
A Life In The Wings: My Sixty Year Love Affair with Rock And Roll, A Memoir - By David Spero, with K. Adrian Zonneville I just got done reading A Life In The Wings: My Sixty Year Love Affair with Rock And Roll, A Memoir. I loved it! It’s an absolutely wonderful run of...

“Let’s Go! Benjamin Orr And The Cars” by Joe Milliken
When I first heard that someone has written a book about Benjamin Orr and The Cars, I sat back slightly bewildered, wondering if the person that wrote it was from Northeast Ohio. Me being from the area, of course knew that Ben Orr was a native Clevelander, and as such...

“Einstein, Michael Jackson & Me” by Howard Bloom
By Musical Conversationalist, Stan Cocheo, April 2020. This book, “Einstein, Michael Jackson & Me: A search for soul in the power pits of rock and roll” by Howard Bloom is a detailing of what happened with the bands that I grew up loving and really how I came to...