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Musical Conversations is now a 24/7 internet radio station that you can listen to using the player on this page, or using the TuneIn app on your phone, or Amazon Alexa device. I’m sure there are a few other ways also.

We’re going through a transition now. Updates were slow and as soon as the page is set up again, it’s going to be updated regularly. There’s a lot of content that needs sifted through, edited, reworked bit, and then uploaded. Please be patient with us, tune in and let us know what you think, and stay tuned to what’s to come!

Thank you,

p.s. – Thanks to Blake!

Blogging style web page?

It's been a while. I've been hoping to get someone with WordPress experience to help me fashion this thing into what my vision of Musical Conversations, as a web page experience, should be. Lacking that, I'm stuck trying to figure out something that is completely...

Falling Through April…

Updates are almost ready to start happening as I'm catching up on lost time and lost...other stuff. All that aside and to the point... Mikaela and Dan from the band "Falling Through April" are coming in for Musical Conversations tonight (that's Tuesday, February...

As Lions

The first band performing at the Carolina Rebellion 2017, was "As Lions". That's Austin Dickinson on vocals. He's Bruce Dickinson's son, and yes he of Iron Maiden. Also in for the interview was Will Homer. As I found out, they've been friends for years. I found Austin...

Tarotunes 1 – January 2017

Evolving from Musical Conversations, with Heather Gaffney-Darnell as the guest, reading tarot cards as a way to look to where we are at, here at the beginning of 2017, as well as what we've got in store for us throughout the year. The Conversation turned, as Musical...

Working on it

Working on it

Musical Conversations has not been updated for a while and I'm lax in doing my part. It's still here, and those who listen regularly can attest that it's going quite strong. No updates does not mean nothing's happening and yet it also means that it seems nothing is...

Going Live!

Going Live!

Welcome to the new Musical Conversations web page! Lots of development has gone on and I thank Blake for his work as:     Check out the pages and let me know what you think. Join the chatroom (a new feature) and talk with me on Tuesday, starting at 9pm...

What’s Happening?

What’s Happening?

Completely redesigning the Musical Conversations web page to make it easier to use, listen and communicate all around. Thanks to Blake Carpenter of Dragon's Blood Web Productions for his work on this site! First thing is the easier method of listening. Upper corner,...